Planting Plants

Planting Plants

by : Eunice Christianty Nesyana 

Quennie and her plants

Hello my name is Kate . I will planting some flower.
I will grow a Jasmine flower. "It is my favorite flower " she says.

Will her sister plant ? Yes, says Dad, she will plant. She already plant yesterday . 
I will water it, protect it and I will give some sunshine. Dad says " that's great" 
"I will give you a new other kind of plant , it is sunshine plant" Dad says.

Kate is happy . So,so, happy. Her sister too.  Dad will give her sister a sunshine plant too.

" Oh I'm tired , would you take some drink for me ?" Kate says. "Yes" he nanny says. It's great today. And tomorrow guess what , her flower bloomed. She is so happy . Happier than yesterday . "Oh" she says her sister so nice !. " Let me see mine , wow it's same" she says.

Her friend come, it's Quennie. "Hi!" , " Wow amazing" says Quennie .
Quennie go home , she also plant the same flower. It's a nice day. Today it's wow,wow,wow Great Timing.

The End


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